Two primary factors contribute to chronic miscarriages. First, the hormonal feedback loop and production of progesterone in the ovary is intermittent and cannot properly prepare the uterine membrane for conception and implantation. The blood supply to the uterine membrane is not nourished enough to allow sufficient flow to support life. Miscarriage often occurs between the eighth and twelfth weeks of pregnancy.
The process of conception is complicated and multifaceted. There are multiple opportunities for malfunction of hormones, fertilization, implantation, fetal development, and birthing.
Menstrual charing is a must for women to observe their cycles. For example, if the postovulatory temperature increase is sustained for at least 18 days, conception has occurred. If the temperature drops suddenly and menses begins, progesterone levels may have been insufficent to sustain the pregnancy. Progesterone is dominant during pregnancy to maintain a higher temperature and to prevent sloughing off the uterine membrane.
If the uterine membrane is indurated with incompletely flushed menstrual fluids from previous cycles, the membrane may not be able to support and hold a developing fetus.
This condition must be addressed on many levels. Emotions play a large part in the individual's willingness to accept pregnancy and the lifetime of changes that it entails.
If you see spotting while pregnant, use a tea of cinnamon and hibiscus flowers as soon as spotting occurs. Use only fresh red or pink hibiscus as dried flowers do not contain required chemicals. In a pinch, use fresh or dried red roses.
Boil one teaspoon powdered cinnamon with nine fresh hibiscus or rose flowers in a quart of water for ten minutes. Steep until cool; strain. Take small sips until it is gone, stay in bed, and rest.
When bleeding stops, castor oil packs and steams are supportive modalities.
Abdominal Therapy is indicated.