Castor oil is derived from the bean of the Ricinus communis or Palma Christi plant (palm of christ). The Palma Christi has been used therapeutically for centuries in folk medicine of ancient India, China, Persia, Africa, Greece, Rome, and the Americas. It has large, beautiful palmate leaves hence the name, Palma Christi.
Some of the numerous uses of castor oil include the treatment of breast cysts, fibroids, ovarian cysts, congestion of abdominal organs, skin conditions, small benign cysts, and adhesions from surgery. Wherever there is congestion, scar tissue, decreased blood flow and need for healing, castor oil can be an effective treatment option.
How does castor oil work?
Research has shown castor oil has a unique chemical profile rich in ricinoleic acid which is found only in the castor bean from which the oil is extracted. Double blind studies conducted by the Association for Research and Enlightenment, Inc. demonstrated an increase in lymphocyte production and the level of activity of T-cell lymphocytes in the group that used castor oil packs. T-cell lymphocytes originate from bone marrow and the thymus gland and identify and kill invaders such as virus, bacteria, and fungi.
In addition to strengthening the immune system, castor oil appears to have a balancing effect on the autonomic nervous system, increasing liver activity and improving digestion. Tumors, fibroids and cysts can be shrunken and eliminated by re-absorption.